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Monday, January 18, 2010

Mr Hamilton read this(1 out of 5)

Haha this is the first serious post... Sorry for not posting earlier like cause on saturday i was at BB in the morning. Then in the afternoon, i went to east coast park for my church's spg (student peer group) day... The cycling was fun:) Anyway, I only have time now to post so I'll try to think of something... Sean, Sing Chien and those who went to lan during school hours(ok, not during school hours but they were dismissed early for lunch) for 1st person shooter game training thing are so lucky; could skip home ec. But haha, the rest of us will have advantage of starting our sewing assignment:) And lol today Mr Chia walked past our class without stopping to 'say' anything;) i think it's one of the few times:) If I'm not wrong we were having CE and it was group discussion so i guess we were pretty quiet:) Oh ya during science lesson Mr Gabriel spent half his lesson arranging our places, and Yong Kai almost sat beside emmanuel hahas... But he managed to bargain his way out-.- Oh ya i think Mr Gabriel forgot about giving us the class test too:) all he gave us was a question which he wrote on the board... During maths Sean was like also scared cause his maths paper was not returned to him and only the ones that needed to redo was still with teacher... In the end he got full marks and was sooooo relieved... Kind of like what happened ast year for geogaphy SA2. The teacher recorded the marks wrongly and SEan was also worried... But more that time because it was exam... Anyway I'm going to buymy thermometer so I'll end this post now. cheers:)

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