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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Another post(Not Graded)

Lol i don't think i want this to be graded... Anyway today we did another Chinese TfU. It was easier then yesterday, cause i think we had more experience:) And our group went up to present. Didn't know that if we presented we would get extra marks:) My group chinese not that good, so we'd need all the marks we can get. Sadly, since gabby didn't come yesterday, he had to join another group haha the not so tall people(not saying that i'm very tall) and he looked kind of emo;) oh ya. Yesterday during maths lesson, the teacher yanked the projection screen and it slammed backwards and 'BANG!' It hit the top. Then after that she go say its accidentally one, but i think she did it a few times le( i think most people would agree with me). Everyone was thinking-'so violent'. Actually a few people said it already, but softly. Then Gavin extra go voice out what everyone was thinking loudly- "teacher, so violent ah" or something like that. LOL she immediately turned around and told him to stand. She also threatened to send him to Chia. But in the end as usual, i think she forgot. Either that or she 'kind' let him go... Talking about forgetting, Sing Chien also forgot to bring his Maths 1(the exercise book we use for the lesson). He managed to escape until the last 10 min. "Wheres your Maths 1?" She stared at sing chien with her one eye;) haha in the end she told emmanuel to remind her to make him stand for the next lesson which is on friday... Haha i think she will forget also... Me, Sean and ahmad was like 'don't care la, sure forget one' so i think emmanuel won't tell... Unless Sing Chien forgets to bring his book again. So good luck, Sing Chien:) Lol i think i'll end my post here, bye:)

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