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Friday, January 22, 2010

Mr Hamilton Read this (part 2 of 5)

Hi everyone:) Sorry I meant to post this yesterday but I didn't have the time... Anyway yesterday we had our 2nd pe lesson! Instead of running 2.4, we ran 100m zzz... But at least we got to play floorball:) Actually it was a bad idea to play floorball then run because we were probably drained and tired out. While we were playing, I learnt a few lessons. For example, a few of my classmates kept soloing and didn't pass even though we were open and near them. In the end, they lost the ball to the opponent. This taught me about teamwork. For example, in a game of soccer, the striker needs the centre-forward to feed him the ball. This reminds me of a story I once heard. There was this time where all the people in the world decided to shout "boo" at the same time, so that the great shout could be heard on the moon. But when the appointed time came for the great world shout there was nothing but great spectacular silence. Everyone was so anxious to hear the great sound that everyone remained quiet. This also teaches us not to be selfish. If we want to succeed with the team, we must all co-operate and not just let others do all the work and leech off them.

Coming back to the day, Mr Maran visited our class today. Not say really visited , but since there was not any teacher, he came in for a while. Well i have this to say. Mr Maran is like the opposite of Mr Chia when it comes to classroom discipline. When he came in today, the class was not really quite and the 2 monitors were just sitting at their places. MR Maran just came in and talked to us nicely. Mr Chia, on the other hand, would come in and bang on the door and yell for everyone to be quiet. In the end, he would only make us quiet by being fierce, which is not good. He should talk to us nicely, and earn our respect(just like Mr Hamilton).

Hahas that's all i have to say for now.


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